5 Effective ways to de-stress.

With how fast life comes at us, it can become easy to neglect ourselves, feel stressed and not dealing with your stress levels can lead to mental health issues. There is an extent to what the body can take and after some times, the body will show it’s stressed by breaking down and this can quickly manifest itself physically, mentally and emotionally if not checked. 

Ways to manage stress

Stress is a normal part of life but for better and improved mental health, it must be managed. This article will give helpful insights on how to manage your stress and lead a happier life. Some of the most effective ways to manage your stress are;

Take a nap

What better way to de-stress than taking a nap. Sleeping for at least 2 hours when you feel stressed can help you feel refreshed. Turn of mobile phones and devices to avoid being disturbed and make sure to try to get at least 7 hours of sleep at night.

Ways to manage stress

Practice Breathing Exercises 

Breathing exercises help centre you and keep you grounded especially if you feel anxious. When you feel stressed and anxious about something, try to focus on your breath instead of what is stressing you, focus on each breath as you breathe in and out. You can also try counting as you take each breath in and out and this practice will always centre your and bring you back to your landing.

Ways to manage stress


Getting your heart rate up is also a very effective way to manage stress. Exercising can greatly help relieves stress as it releases endorphins also known as “feel good hormones''. There are workout routines like dancing, yoga, etc that you can try out at home if you don’t want to get out, and if you do want to get out, you can go running or on a stroll focusing more on distance than speed. A good workout will leave you feeling refreshed and maybe approach the issues stressing you from a fresh perspective.

Ways to manage stress

Hang out with friends

Making plans to meet up and spend some quality time with friends or loved ones is also a great way to boost and improve your mood. Stress always show signs through fatigue and other ways and once you start to notice, do not neglect the signs, instead make plans to help you fill up your battery and keep you feeling energised, and what better way than spending fun time with your friends talking about everything and nothing and laughing as loud as you can catching up with gists.

Ways to manage stress

Read a book

Getting lost in a story can also help you de-stress. It takes you away from the anxiety of stressing about the future and worrying about the past that you cannot change and keeps you in the present moment. Reading relaxes the body by lowering heart rate and easing muscle tensions. Reading also helps build up your brain and this can improve your overall mental health.

Ways to manage stress


Every now and then, we as individuals experience stress that may arise from various reasons like work, finances, family issues and many more but we must cultivate the practice of refilling ourselves and keeping our mental health in check. Besides the listed ways, other things you can do to relieve stress includes, meditation, praying, listening to a relaxing playlist, seeing a funny movie, etc. 

You are responsible for yourself and you must always prioritise your health. If you need to see a professional about it, you should book an appointment for a consultation. Practise any or more of these and find which one works better for your stress relief.

Written by

Imade Idehen


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